The AD7528 is a monolithic dual 8-bit digital/analog converter
featuring excellent DAC-to-DAC matching. It is available in
skinny 0.3" wide 20-lead DIPs and in 20-lead surface mount
Separate on-chip latches are provided for each DAC to allow
easy microprocessor interface.
Data is transferred into either of the two DAC data latches via a
common 8-bit TTL/CMOS compatible input port. Control
input DAC A/DAC B determines which DAC is to be loaded.
The AD7528?s load cycle is similar to the write cycle of a random access memory and the device is bus compatible with most
8-bit microprocessors, including 6800, 8080, 8085, Z80.
The device operates from a 5 V to 15 V power supply, dissipating only 20 mW of power.
Both DACs offer excellent four quadrant multiplication characteristics with a separate reference input and feedback resistor for
each DAC.