Description of CC2640F128RSM
A wireless MCU designed for Bluetooth applications is the CC2640F128RSM gadget. The gadget belongs to the CC26xx family of 2.4 GHz, ultralow power, and reasonably priced RF devices.
Excellent battery lifetime is provided by the extremely low active RF and MCU current and low-power mode current consumption, which also enable operation on small coin cell batteries and in energy-harvesting applications.
A 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 CPU with a clock speed of 48 MHz serves as the primary processor in the CC2640F128RSM device, which also has a wide range of peripheral features, including an original ultralow power sensor controller.
While the rest of the system is in sleep mode, this sensor controller is the best choice for integrating external sensors and for autonomously gathering analogue and digital data.
The ROM-embedded Bluetooth Low Energy controller uses an ARM Cortex-M0 processor in part to function. This architecture reduces power consumption, boosts system performance, and frees up flash memory for the application.
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