Description of TPS2041BDBVR
The TPS2041BDBVR power-distribution switches are designed for use in settings where short circuits and large capacitive loads are common. For power-distribution systems that need several power switches in a single package, these devices integrate 70-m N-channel MOSFET power switches.
A logic enable input controls each switch. Gate drive is provided by an internal charge pump that regulates the rise and fall times of the power switch to reduce current surges during switching. The charge pump works with supply as low as 2.7 V and doesn’t need any other components.
The device restricts the output current to a safe level by switching into a constant-current mode and lowering the overcurrent (OCx) logic output when the output load exceeds the current-limit threshold or a short is present.
A thermal protection circuit turns off the switch to prevent damage when frequent heavy overloads and short circuits raise the power dissipation in the switch and cause the junction temperature to rise. Once the component has cooled down enough, recovery from a thermal shutdown happens automatically.
The switch’s internal circuitry makes sure it stays off until a valid input voltage is available. The current limit on this power distribution switch is set at 1 A. (typical).
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