14.318Mhz Full-Size Crystal Oscillator HC49/U package
1602 (16×2) LCD Display with I2C/IIC interface – Blue Backlight
1602 (16×2) LCD Display with I2C/IIC interface – Green Backlight
16Mhz (SMD) Crystal Oscillator HC49/US Package
16Mhz Crystal Oscillator HC49/US Package
16Mhz Full-Size Crystal Oscillator HC49/U package
16×2 (1602) Character Blue Backlight LCD Display
This is a basic 16 character by 2 line Alphanumeric display. White text on Blue background. Utilizes the extremely common HD44780 parallel interface chipset . Interface code is freely available. You will need Minimum 6 general I/O pins to interface to this LCD screen. Includes LED backlight. Works in 4bit and 8 bit Mode.
- 16 Characters x 2 Lines
- Blue Backlight
- 5x7 Dot Matrix Character Cursor
- HD44780 Equivalent LCD Controller/driver Built-In
- 4-bit or 8-bit MPU Interface
- Standard Type
- Works with almost any Microcontroller
16×2 (1602) Character Green Backlight LCD Display
This is a basic Alphanumeric display with 16 characters and two lines. Green background with black writing. Uses the HD44780 parallel interface chipset, which is very common. The interface code is open source. To connect to this LCD screen, you'll need at least 6 standard I/O pins. LED backlight is included. Both 4bit and 8bit modes are supported.
2 Lines x 16 Characters
HD44780 Compatible LCD Controller/Driver with Green Backlight 5x7 Dot Matrix Character Cursor Standard 4-bit or 8-bit MPU Interface Built-in
Almost any microcontroller can be used.
16×2 (1602) LCD Keypad Shield – Blue Backlight for Arduino
The 16x2 Keypad LCD Shield is a solution for Arduino enthusiasts who want to work with an LCD and an Arduino without the need for external switches. There will be 6 momentary push buttons and a 2x16 LCD display. The LCD is interfaced with pins 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. To detect the five pushbuttons, just Analog Pin 0 is used. Contrast adjustment and back-lit on/off controls are available on the LCD shield. It also exposes five analogue pins which can be used to connect and show analogue sensors. There is also an on-board power LED.
This design is wonderful since it allows you to simply connect sensors to the remaining pins and utilise it for monitoring or menu selection using the push buttons, as well as gaming. Testing and debugging are frequently required for project applications. When a computer is not available, displaying information immediately can be useful. If you're building something that won't be connected to a computer and want to see what's going on before putting it in place, this feature will come in handy to ensure the software runs smoothly.
On the top side of the board, the used LCD pins are hidden, making just the unused ones exposed. Conflicts with LCD pins on the top of the device will no longer occur.
- Blue Backlight with white words
- uses 4 Bit Arduino LCD Library
- Left, Right, Up, Down and Select buttons
- Screen contrast adjustment
- Arduino Reset button
- Operating Voltage is 5V
18.432Mhz (SMD) Crystal Oscillator HC49/US Package
1mH 1/2W 0410 Color Ring Axial Lead Type Inductor – (Packet of 100)
Product Information
The 1mH 1/2W 0410 Color Ring Axial Lead Type Inductance is a compact, light inductor. Its small size makes it perfect for usage in electrical gadgets. The inductor has an epoxy resin covering that makes it resistant to dampness and so extends its life.
Furthermore, the comparatively lengthy leads of this inductor allow it to flex and be automatically put into the PCB. This inductor has a high resonance frequency as well as a high Q factor. It also complies with RoHS.
Product Applications:
Communication Devices
TV, VCR, radios, and other electronic devices
Compact, tiny, and light-weight design
High Q and self-resonant frequency are factors that contribute to this.
Epoxy resin coating for long-term humidity resistance
Compliant with RoHS
Further information
Inductance s1mH
10 Tolerance (percentage)
Through-Hole Mounting Style
DC Resistance (m) at 20?C 250
A Current Rating of 0.6
Frequency(Hz) s7.96M
Temperature range of operation (C) -40 to 85
7 mm in length
3 mm in width (Body Diameter)
5 gram in weight
* Item photographs are intended for illustration reasons and may fluctuate from the actual product.